

March 2020


Rhino班活力四射的That’s What Makes You Beautiful、Unicorn班優雅可愛的Lemon Tree、Gorilla班活潑輕快的Who Let the Dogs Out、Swan班柔和暖心的Hello, Goodbye,還有Sunshine班熱情洋溢的We’re All in This Together,場場都令人印象深刻,難以忘懷!



I would like to congratulate every K6 student for working so hard and learning so many things, so that now they are ready to graduate from kindergarten and go to elementary school. I have known them all for 3 years now and seen them all grow up from being shy babies into being very clever students who know so many things.
It’s funny having a class of all girls but they are all very cute and smart, it’s been a pleasure to teach them. They have really grown up so much since they first came to Uncle Sam. I wish you all good luck for the future and keep trying hard!

Teacher Jon

還記得你們初次來到學校的模樣,只有這麼小而且非常害羞,有的哭了、吐了,甚至還和我老鷹捉小雞呢!但是現在你們已經長大了很多,而且有著許許多多快樂的時光及美好的回憶。再1個月你們就要進入小學,將要邁向另一個學習的新階段,將會認識很多新朋友,還會學習很多新鮮的事物。所以,Teacher Alisa非常的高興,也非常開心。

Teacher Alisa

So, I was asked to write a one-minute speech for today’s graduation. But really, what can I say? How can I summarize more than three years into one minute? I have been your teacher for a long time, but I have also learned so much from you. The experiences over the last three years are experiences that I will carry with me for the rest of my life and for that, I thank you. You are not just wonderful kids, but outstanding individuals and I believe you will go far in life. And after you graduate, if you see me, whether it’s five days later or five years, please say hello. You will grow and change, but I’ll always be your friend. Thank you.

Teacher Jonathan

I remember meeting many of you in Teacher Irene’s Baby class. Throughout the years I’ve had the opportunity to watch you grow up. As each year passed I was able to get to know each of your personalities better. When I became your Teacher in K3, I felt very happy because I knew we would have a great class together. I was very happy to have a class of smart, energetic and fun students. Students who wanted to learn more about the world and each other. I feel very lucky to be in your lives. You have made every morning bright and cheerful. You have spent your days at our school challenging yourselves to learn as much as you could, opening yourselves to new experiences and exploring new interests and ideas. I have two feelings at the end of our journey together. One is a little feeling of sadness because I will not be able to see you when I come to school in the morning. But the other is of great happiness because I know that you are prepared for the next chapter in your life. You will continue to grow and evolve. Life will bring new experiences and challenges. I hope you always remember our time together. I hope you always remember our words of encouragement. Thank you for being you who are you. You have made me very happy.

Teacher Luis

I am so proud of all the K6 students that are graduating this semester. As a teacher, it is always hard to say goodbye to a group of students that you have taught for a significant amount of time. The students often influence you as much as you influence them. My goal as a teacher has always been to foster a love of learning and a desire to think critically about things. I have enjoyed all of the time that I have spent with the K6 Gorillas. They are a very special group of students with what I hope is a bright future ahead of them. Gorillas never be afraid to ask questions about things that you don’t understand and always try to do your best in anything that you do moving.

Teacher Jed


Teacher Elly

It’s wonderful watching these children grow and mature over the past two years. When I started teaching them, many of them couldn’t yet write their names. Now they’re doing elementary-level grammar exercises. Some of the students used to have behavior problems, but each one of them has gotten more considerate and kinder over time. Many of them were very shy at first, but now they all have fun talking to me and talking to each other in English. I was very fortunate to have this class.

Teacher Steve
